
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Night #367 - One Year Active! W00t!

This is two days past the first-anniversary mark for LoveNATM! Sorry I couldn't make a post two days ago, but I lost literally all motivation to put the damn thing together because...I think it was computer issues. But in any event, here is your celebratory post! Featurettes!

And also, this bit of clerical work. There's a new blog on tumblr (I just found it literally today and I doubt it's been up all that long as I check the NATM tag quite frequently), called Fuck Yeah Chest Bump, founded by the creator of the LiveJournal community Chest Bump. Know of the tumblr, follow the tumblr, like and reblog posts from the tumblr, or link to posts from the tumblr if you do not have a tumblr yourself, and advertise from your own blogs that these people do indeed exist.

And guys, I can't wait for tomorrow! If you're in the Laramie area, tomorrow 7 and 9:30 are your chances to see NATM3 the night before official opening night! Do it! Buy Tickets! (Except they're probably sold out by now, but there's always Friday! Check showtimes here:

And to everybody in the club: Happy Opening Weekend!

And one last thing (I swear on my life). They made it a pillar!


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