
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Night #1 - Intro

"For the Love of Night at the Museum" is a bit of a misnomer, as while this will be a NATM-centered blog, I will focus primarily on two characters I feel don't get nearly the love they deserve, as characters or as per their positions in the franchise: Ahkmenrah and Kahmunrah, whom I will refer to throughout as the Brothers Egypt (a nod to Ivan's use of "Mr. Egypt" to address the elder of the two). Of course, other characters will feature, but my focus will primarily be on those two.

The second aim of this blog is to keep you (the readership) as informed as I as we come into the year preceding the release of Night at the Museum 3. (If you know nothing else about me, I am a known obsessive, especially about movies like this, who I see have yet to find a franchise killer, and about the Little Vampire (blog here), so I tend to get abreast of these things earlier than most.) In keeping with this aim, as soon as I know something pertinent (or at least not repetitive) I will post it here. My first such bit will come later in this post.

Also, just as in my Little Vampire blog, I will provide videos, pictures, links to good fan fiction, and other material. In the case of these movies, I can also supply funny/useful story notes from the writers' commentaries (such as how early on, the tablet was a puzzle that could magically make people follow orders and other such things (this and the fact that the pieces are known to move in their places will be discussed in a later post as part of a theory on how the tablet works, an extensive theory)). Also as per the Little Vampire blog, you (the readership) are invited to comment, message me however that works, or email me on the links provided there. However, that message still holds true: If you are a Nigerian prince, you can forget it. I will be monitoring my email.

Now, for the first nugget(s) of news I promised you earlier. No plot details for NATM 3 have been released yet, but I do know that we'll be seeing Larry, Teddy Roosevelt, Lancelot (apparently the movie's villain), an Egyptian woman named Shepseheret, Nicky Daley, Attila, and Neanderthals. I confess that I was very, very skeptical when I first heard of Lancelot's appearance. Was this franchise seriously going to have the Sword in the Stone be a real thing? They were seriously bringing Excalibur, Camelot, and the like into Night at the Museum. Then I tried to console myself with the idea that this was a move the Once Upon A Time creators would pull: you release information about relatively minor characters while keeping the main plot under wraps. Then I read more closely that Lancelot was going to be a bad guy. That made me feel better for whatever reason, perhaps that it would be likely he would be insane, or thought of as insane. And this Egyptian woman is making me wonder about her identity and relationship with the other two Egyptian characters. I know she has to in some way be connected to the Brothers Egypt, or else it wouldn't make any sense to have her in the movie at all. Everyone else I'm alright with, because they're holdovers from previous movies (Except Larry. I mean, how many times can we watch him find himself? It's really starting to get old).

Filming will begin in February, and they will be shooting in Vancouver (the city stand-in famous for its role in OUAT and others) and London (When I first heard of this, I thought: Tablet origin story! Sadly, I fear this is not to be). The release has been scheduled for Christmas Day 2014, so Merry Christmas, all my fellow NATM fans!

And don't let anything in. Or out.

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