
Monday, December 30, 2013

Night #16 - Who would win in a fight...?

Who would win in a fight between Cecil and Kahmunrah? I may or may not be the only one who wonders this, but I'm going to make an effort to answer it.

The parties involved:

Kahmunrah - Trained warrior, used to battle, used to commanding and the battlefield in general, fueled by vengeance and driven to prove himself to his parents and the rest of the world, also believes he's right for so doing.

Cecil - Also a trained badass and used to fighting exhibits, thinks logically and is relatively adaptive (though he isn't good enough at this to succeed), driven by desire for the tablet and its ability to grant himself and his cohorts eternal vitality.

The weapons:

Kahmunrah's khopesh and skills against Cecil's gun and skills (Cecil does have access to a gun and the knowledge required to use it, where Kahmunrah does not)

Home turf advantage:

Depends on where this fight takes place: Kahmunrah has Smithsonian Castle and Cecil holds the Natural History Museum of New York. For all other territories (except possibly Egypt), it comes down to skill and the ability to think on his feet (due to combat experience, point goes to Kahmunrah, minus half point for his tendency to crack when things don't go exactly his way, plus half of that back for his ability to make it work nonetheless).

Fighting styles:

Kahmunrah is more likely to get others to do the work for him, because of his lineage, how he was raised, and that given his age, he was probably used to commanding for some time before his death. However, he is no stranger to actual combat and poses a very viable threat to Larry when they actually do throw down. If you look closely, Larry struggles against Kahmunrah when they first start fighting, and Larry is actually nervous enough to pass up an opportunity to kick Kahmunrah in the face to retrieve his weapon (a flashlight, if you've been living under a rock), indicating that even when he's in the zone to fight off a rebellious exhibit (which is what Kahmunrah really comes down to in the grand scheme of things), he knows Kahmunrah can kill him.

Cecil, on the other hand, while able to kick butt, is more likely to cut and run, manipulate, and generally talk his way out of a given situation. (Another indication of his selfishness is that he has no idea what the Huns are talking about when Larry allows them to do a little limb-ripping on him, which means he didn't care about the exhibits enough to learn how to communicate with them to begin with.) When things start to fall apart, he starts by shakily attempting to manipulate the youngest (therefore most impressionable) person present, and when that fails and the exhibits retaliate against him and his cohorts, he takes off with the tablet (alone) on a horse-drawn carriage. His cowardice is not completely evident, but it is there, and it's something Kahmunrah could easily take advantage of.

So who would win? It all depends on how each combatant plays the situation. Cecil could easily slip out and try to escape, but Kahmunrah could just as easily stop him. It also depends on who's on what side at the time of the fight. Both are bad guys in their respective installments, but if Cecil is on the good side, then he is more likely to win, at least in a Hollywood film, and same with Kahmunrah. It also depends on the fan fic writer, especially if the actual creators do not have this situation come to pass in canon.

Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": Horus, Ra, falcon-headed warriors from the underworld, and the NATM universe. Are other religions valid? Do other underworlds exist? Or has it always been the ancient Egyptians?

Countdown: 360 Days to NATM 3

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