
Friday, January 24, 2014

Night #41 - The Pile of Loot

Last night introduced both clothing and personal possessions but covered mainly the message conveyed by clothing. Tonight, we turn our attention to the near-infamous Pile of Loot which Kahmunrah has nearly fully assembled by the start of the third act and upon which he is clearly seen planting his ass and examining at least one of the Smithsonian's many pop cultural treasures: Dorothy's Ruby Slippers from the 1930s Wizard of Oz. Amongst mounds of gold coins and jewelry (the coins can be seen scattered across the floor when Octavius brings in the Lincoln Exit Machina) can be found, according to this post at the Smithsonain's website on BOTS, a Lite Brite, a Suzy Homemaker toy oven, Archie Bunker's armchair, some hula hoops and brownie cameras, and a collection of bundt pans. Also, referring to this picture:

It looks like that's Abe Lincoln's top hat within spitting range of a crook, one of two traditional accoutrements of the kings of ancient Egypt. The flail, I believe, is right over Shawn Levy's back.

This image shows a Red Wagon, a guitar case, a tennis racket, a sale sign, an astrolabe, two picture frames, a vase, a basin, and whatever the hell that tube thing is.

Here we also see a violin among this truly impressive collection of random stuff, as well as a model hand holding a pitcher.

There's a clock, a wooden wheel, a shield, a tiny little gold teapot, and there are, in fact, hula hoops. Also, it looks like there are some pretty costly drapes and rugs amidst the pile of junk, as well.

Kahmunrah literally has everything here. He recognizes that gold still represents wealth and has value, but beyond that, either he doesn't quite know what our society ranks as "classy" and "of value" and what ranks as garish to the point of ridiculousness, or he doesn't care. Given his personality as made explicit by Battle of the Smithsonian, he very likely simply gave himself over to picking and choosing what he wanted from the collection of the Smithsonian Castle. He may not know what counts as garish or not, but it isn't hard to imagine him taking a certain amount of glee in seeing what our society puts on display for all the world to see and taking possession of it.

Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": I tackle a topic which I've been mulling over for some time: moxie. What is it? How do you lose it? How do you know someone's lost it? How can you tell if there's a chance to get it back? When is there no hope? All of those questions and more will be addressed, so stay tuned.

Countdown: 330 Days to NATM 3

NATM 3 Update: So a couple of actors from the planned Expendabelles (I don't even know, but I guess it's a female Expendables, and the fourth installment in that franchise) are picking up parts in NATM 3. We all know, of course, of Pitch Perfect's Rebel Wilson, but apparently Ben Kingsley is also joining the cast Egyptian Pharaoh (gee, haven't seen that one before). Let me guess. That guy's Ahkmenrah's father/son/another brother who hates him. Also, the cast is picking up a guy named Theo Devaney as Lord Nelson, most likely a prominent British Museum patron, or an old dead white guy that was somehow historically significant. Alexander Cooper AKA the Mysterious Stranger has been dropped from IMDb's NATM 3 Cast list, so maybe the Mysterious Stranger isn't making an appearance. This just leaves the night guard and the pharaoh (Wilson and Kingsley respectively) as the two mysterious identities six days away from the start of filming, and there's still that question in the back of my mind: Lancelot? Really? Maybe this'll be good, but I still stick by my fan-desired ending of Kahmunrah kicking ass and taking names in BOTS so his brother can save his soul in the logical third.

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