
Friday, January 31, 2014

Night #48 - A Night With the Nameless Mooks

The henchmen we originally see with Kahmunrah are completely human, and there are only a few of them, as opposed to the nearly identical bird-headed masses he summons out of the gate to the Underworld near the climax of the film. Considering the ancient Egyptians were hugely into properly preserving the persons, names, and stories of dead people, this suggests two things: the first is that the birdmen are the souls of an infinite number of soldiers killed in battle over the course of ancient Egyptian history, and that Kahmunrah's original troop of men (also wax figures) are the survivors, considered important enough or desirable enough for Kahmunrah to have them buried with him. This would in turn imply that these men are a personal body guard for Kahmunrah, the elite out of all his forces and the only few whom he trusted with his life...until they get tossed into V-J Day, 1945, never to return. Kahmunrah displays no comparable level of trust in the people he recruits to replace them, and he has no reason to. He doesn't know these men from holes in the wall.

In any event, the men he originally surrounds himself with are all nameless and virtually expressionless except when chasing Larry around and giving commands to each other, so one must, if one is detail-oriented enough, wonder what in God's name they're thinking. I just so happen to be detail-oriented enough, and I do wonder what they're thinking. Being trained professionals they don't express much, so in truth it's all a mystery. They do obey Kahmunrah's orders, and there's nothing to indicate that they're being coerced into doing so. Even without being explicitly told they point their spears at Larry (this one can be rather easily explained: from their perspective, he just appeared out of nowhere), and they know what they need to do so well that a command for "chase down" is all they need. They can work out the rest: spears when necessary, fire at will, attack anyone who appears to be helping Larry, kill if you must (they don't need to do this, thank God).

But I do have several questions for them which I don't see getting answered any time soon, most likely because nobody seems to care:
  1. Do these men know of the possible psychological defects Kahmunrah exhibits? Do they care?
  2. How did they come to work for Kahmunrah in the first place? Everyone has a story, and personally, I 'd kind of like to know theirs.
  3. Are they now forever trapped in 1945, forced to hide in the background so no one notices a thing?
  4. What do they discuss in their free time? Does Kahmunrah let them have free time? (He should, if he doesn't want them to collapse at random times and fall asleep.)
  5. And the question which has puzzled me about Egyptian characters from the beginning of this franchise: Is that really legitimate ancient Egyptian?
Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": It's the Filming Special! Filming will start tomorrow, Ladies and Gentlemen, and I'll launch into the first of what may be a series covering various topics concerning NATM 3, mostly plot speculation and questions about why certain characters will or will not make an appearance.

Countdown: 323 Days to NATM 3

NATM 3 Update: This link full of pictures. That is all.

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