
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Night #49 - Let the Filming Special...COMMENCE!


Yeah, you can tell I'm excited for this, because as of this writing (1-30-14 to be exact) I found out these were real:

Get jazzed, everybody, because it looks like we'll get some good Brothers Egypt juicy goodness after all! At least we'll see some more Ahkmenrah! And Oh, no! He's about to get run over by a car, which he might have no idea is a car, and he's so cute trying to work out the world around him! And there's Teddy and Attila and Sacagawea! Are they running to his rescue? And Lancelot's in this spread, too. Are they in London while all this is going on? And why the bloody hell is he smiling? (Okay, this is most likely after "cut" and he's just goofing around withother members of the cast between takes, but in my epic fan-spasm it kind of happened.)

But yay! Filming picture-y goodness! So happy!

ETA 1-31-14: See this link for more filming picture-y goodness! There are now sixteen slides to view and squeal about! YAY!

And: Release dates for countries outside the US, for my non-US readership who will probably appreciate this:

Netherlands and Portugal: 12-18-14 (so jealous)
France: 12-24-14
Argentina, Germany, Hong Kong, and Sweden: 12-25-14 (where my old countdown would still apply)
UK and Lithuania: 12-26-14
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia: 1-1-15

So glad I got to end the Filming Special on such a happy note, and with some actual spoilery goodness, which I will continue to pepper throughout this blog regardless of the occasion! I am, Sirs, your faithful servant, Silence Dogood (Except I'm not silent and I'm more likely to be up to no good than not). Bonus points to whoever gets it.

Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": I'm taking a sweet break from all this seriousness and blocks of text and posting a lovely Jonas Brothers video for you! Get ready to "Fly With Me"

Countdown: 322 Days to NATM 3 (this is still by the US release date)

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