
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Night #66 - Mummypocalypse! Part 6

There appears to be some confusion, founded or otherwise, on the exact state of Kahmunrah the exhibit, and that's the subject I'd like to address tonight.

When we first see Kahmunrah, which is when he's frozen just moments before sunrise and the tablet's activation for the night, he looks like a wax statue, which is enough to settle most people that he is, in fact, a wax statue (and at the moment an extremely pissed off one). However, perhaps because we never see Ahkmenrah's state in the day, whether he's decomposed or not when the tablet isn't active (he likely isn't, since Rexy's body is seriously decomposed and he's a skeleton, but that's something else entirely), some people have started to wonder if Kahmunrah is a mummy as well (someone said it was because of how he was torn apart as he was thrown into the Underworld, but that's most likely the effect of the Underworld on people entering it; the reverse happens when people leave it). Let me address this on the basis of Rexy. Kahmunrah has been inanimate and for all intents and purposes dead for three thousand years, as long as his brother has been reanimated time and time again by the tablet, and if he were, in fact, a badly dried out/decomposing corpse, he would look the part. He instead looks like a normal middle-aged (ripped) crazy bird-obsessed nutcase.

Therefore, in my opinion, the Kahmunrah in question is a waxwork, which means there is, in fact, hope of there being another statue (same medium or otherwise) of him somewhere in the far-flung world, and there is some hope for a Brothers Egypt family reunion. Unless his soul has been destroyed forever, but given the deep link Egyptians had between the soul's survival and the images of the deceased, and given Kahmunrah's pride and vanity, this isn't likely.

Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": What does Rexy's condition as a collection of fossils tell us about Ahkmenrah's as a complete human being? And what does magic have to do with it?

Countdown: 306 Days to NATM 3

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