
Friday, February 14, 2014

Night #62 - Mummy Apocalypse! Part 2

Wherein I read and discuss the British Museum's article on a group of eight mummies that they have in their collection and have been studying.

The article is actually an advertisement for an exhibition (which does still sound cool, by the way). It promises to allow you to see how each of the eight mummies was embalmed, each state of health, and help you learn about the actual process of mummification, natural or deliberate. About ten pounds per adult ticket (roughly $16.65 for my American readers), and you can book online. Members get in free, it seems. For more information and clarification, see here.

In the words of the mission control guy, "Damn, that was disappointing." I was hoping for an actual, informative article on the subject, giving a brief summary of each mummy, their process of mummification, etc. The exhibition includes mummies from Christian Sudan, prehistoric Egypt, and everything in between, and damn, it would've been cool to armchair archaeologist those suckers. But if you've got seventeen bucks (and a plane ticket, or access to a cab), go for it. If you learn anything cool, post in the comments for people less fortunate than yourself, please. Thank you, and we at Love NATM will consider this your charitable donation. :)

Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": Mummypocalypse continues!

Countdown: 310 Days to NATM 3

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