
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Night #60 - Video Games and Sneak Peeks

The people at the Smithsonian discuss the Battle of the Smithsonian video game and the sneak peek. I confess these will be dated by several years, but being an obsessive I understand the great value of any piece of information.

According to this Smithsonian Blog post, there are actually a series of video games which allow people to explore the Smithsonian from the comfort of their armchairs via their Wiis, X-boxes, Playstations, and whatever else. One of the games in particular has fourteen levels, based on actual Smithsonian museums (they had, however, to amalgamate the art museums into a composite since there is such a large number, and they are so huge), and, factoid, it's not exactly like the movie! Plot twist! So if you've got the video game, how does it compare?

The Sneak Peek post goes into greater detail picking apart the inaccuracies of the movie, namely in the production photo of Larry striking a dramatic pose with the Thinker in the background, which isn't a piece in the Smithsonian's collection. Amelia gets some flack for being "too pretty" (as a summation of their thoughts) and for the impossibility of curls to survive flying caps (and no, the white buckskin coat (discussed last night) does not make an appearance). Factoid number 2: there is a sarcophagus on display, which houses the remains of Smithsonian founder James Smithson ("don't want no fancy funeral, just one like old King Tut" indeed). And we also know that Kahmunrah is a fabrication. It should be fairly obvious, I think (but then again, common sense always seems to be severely lacking in the general population).

Sorry about the dated-ness of the sneak peek, but I hope you enjoyed those two posts on the Smithsonian website, and from there you can jump off to learn more about what features (and doesn't feature, or features incorrectly in anyway) in Battle of the Smithsonian.

Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": Some of my sweet mummy shots from my trip to DC some two years ago.

Countdown: 312 Days to NATM 3

NATM 3 Update: Sadly, there is nothing on the British Museum's website which suggests anything featuring in the third Museum movie. However, they've got something on mummies which I will discuss in the near future. And speaking of mummies, as the spoiler filming shots suggest, Ahkmenrah's back! Confirmed by IMDb, Rami Malek appears to be reprising his role as the young pharaoh whose tablet imbues everything with life. And I must squee, because this is awesome! Because the shots were released before we learned that filming in London had wrapped (which is to say, about a week before that occurrence), I personally surmise that we'll be seeing Ahkmenrah in London, along with those other two Egyptian characters who may or may not be relatives of him (let's safely assume so given the pattern and expectations of the franchise to date), and we may actually get to see him have a bigger role (God, I hope so). But throw a party because at least one of the Brothers Egypt will be back!

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