
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Night #67 - Mummypocalypse! Part 7

Here's something else some in the fandom wonder about, and it's something I find a bit curious as well: Rexy is a dead living thing being reanimated by the tablet, but he's a skeleton who's magically able to walk around, growl, roar, etc. Ahkmenrah is also a dead living thing. However, when he comes alive, he looks like a normal human being. The process of mummification should have left him about as bad off as Rexy, but he seems fine.

There are a number of possibilities for this, the chief two of which are that Ahkmenrah magically has his organs each night, or is able to function like he does, the way Rexy is able to function like he has muscles, vocal chords, and organs even though it's obvious he does not, or Ahkmenrah was simply placed as he was, a dead body, into his sarcophagus and buried with the tablet before going through the funeral procession seventy days later (it's not likely the government would have it get around that he's being magically kept alive by a slab of pure gold, lest thieves (or Kahmunrah) should try to take it, resulting in Ahkmenrah rotting just like a normal dead person and defeating the entire purpose of the enterprise). Of course, if thieves (or Kahmunrah) did get wind of this, chances are the priests would know, or want to know, as quickly as possible and arrange both to stop them and to ensure their lately-dead king is properly cared for in case of such an emergency. The fallback, therefore, is the mummification process.

But mummification was expensive and time consuming, not to mention the immense amount of ritual involved, and people are lazy by nature (this I know from personal experience), so chances are the priests wouldn't go through with a process which A) they didn't need and B) would've been too much effort to begin with if they didn't need it in a case like this.

And there is another element to consider: Rexy is a skeleton and looks the part. If Ahkmenrah were also badly desiccated for whatever reason, he would also look the part. The easiest and most logical assumption to make, therefore, is that his tablet has been with him from the start, and if it was reanimating him night after night and preserving him that way, he would therefore not need to be mummified.

But there are also the considerations of the tablet's safety, thieves and Kahmunrah chief among them. The priests, if they were worth their salt as such, knew this, and therefore they would have had contingency plans in place for this.

Much of Ahkmenrah's past is still shrouded in mystery, so the answer to the question could be either of these possibilities, and again, only time will tell.

Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": A considerably more pressing question: Is there, anywhere on the internet, a decent NATM wiki?

Countdown: 305 Days to NATM 3

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