
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Night #290 - RESHOOTS!!!

Reshoots for Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb are underway, featuring Ricky Gervais so far that we know of. Also, principle photography is going on right now, and will last until October 2nd. For more information, click on yon link.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Night #282

Just your occasional infrequent reminder that I am still alive, and the count-up search still rolls on. Hoping POWr makes that useful feature (vote for it here: so I don't have to worry about it. Like I said, trying to make my life here easier.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Night #271

Blogger still refuses to cooperate with, and POWr will not run "negative countdowns", or countups. I'll put in a request for a night/day counter, as in to count nights or days a site has been active, since this entire blog is predicated on that one simple fact, even before I ran the countdown to NATM:SOTT's premiere in theatres, but as I have little faith in the current system, I doubt I'll be listened to. I'd rally the troops, but my cynicism prevents that from being a full possibility. I'll post as frequently as possible in the meanwhile, while we get something set up which is easily accessible on the home page, but simply because I don't want to lose track of the number of nights we have been active. Best case scenario, though, is that in the near future you can simply look to the right-hand corner of the site and know a) what night it is and b) how long it will be until Secret of the Tomb premieres. We're trying to make this as easy and painless as possible, for you and us.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Night #269

It is Night #269 and I am currently working on getting a count-up widget to a) go with my countdown to party time and b) make my job as blogrunner easier. I've found the widget, which functions and does its job and there's a link and such like, but Blogger for some stupid reason refuses to accept it, so I'm trying to think of a way around that that won't involve posting a link somewhere and praying for a miracle or something. Wish me the best, all!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Night #267

Sorry for missing the last couple days, guys! Haven't been able to find a counter for how many days (nights) this thing's been live.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Night #264 - Links to Know About

Apparently Ben Stiller is a hardcore Downton Abbey fan, trumping even one of the actors (Dan Stevens) in DA trivia while on set with him for Night at the Museum 3. More can be found here and here.

Also, Rami Malek icons, which may be found here, and apparently include a set of him in a headdress. I wonder if this is on set for filming a flashback, or if he's just having fun. And I really wanna know the answer to this now. Badly. So if anyone out there on the far-flung net can point me in the right direction, that would be much appreciated and get its own spot here on LoveNATM.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Night #263 - Lookie at the new Countdown Widget!!! --->

So apparently my countdown's all wonked up, if you compare what I've been doing to the work over in the upper-right there (which, by the way, is the new countdown feature I just discovered existed when I went looking for something to make my running of this blog easier). It's showing 106 days but my present numbers show 111. This looks like a question for Google!

ETA: According to daycalc, the answer is 106, which means somehow, somewhere, I ended up five off. I would love to go back and fix all of that (actually I really wouldn't; I'd start shooting random things in the immediate vicinity and throwing random objects in random directions while cussing and screaming in my rage), and in a way I'm tempted to keep doing the countdown, except I just found something to do it for me, so there's no point. Anyway, let me know if you have trouble reading the format, if you need anything to be bigger, smaller, brighter, darker, whatever. And you are looking at the end of the hand-made countdown!!! Hale-fucking-lujah!! I am so frickin glad to finally lay all that to rest. It is waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much work, believe you me. I wish I thought of this sooner.

So for quick and easy reference, refer to the corner and you'll know your exact standing when it comes to Night at the Museum 3's premiere date, and be grateful it's no longer subject to human error (as you can see).