
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Night #351 - SOTT On Social Media

I think I need to branch out on social media. David Dayan Fisher's Instagram notwithstanding, there's also an Instagram for the Night at the Museum movies, and it has its very own Facebook page, where you'll find clips (including a TV spot where you'll see a little more of Merenkahre panicking over the tablet and how all of the exhibits are doomed; and also evidently there's a smartphone strapped to Dexter's ass - Don't believe me? Click here.) I found all of this through Tumblr.

Now, I've been considering Instagram ever since I found out DDF (AKA Shaw from National Treasure) is on there, and trolling through it it's absolutely amazing (he's sort of hippie but also a very nice blend of wise and funny and slightly badass such that I've decided (at least for right now) that my dream man will have that exact same set of qualities (you could say I've fallen in love, hehe)), but this is just further evidence that maybe Tumblr isn't enough when it comes to finding material in the far-flung net, for this blog and for my own personal enjoyment.

But for the sake of this blog, these are a plethora of resources, and I'll be plumbing them in the coming days to bring you the latest!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Night #343 - The Big Break

This is it, museum-goers! This is the ultimate opportunity!

Character actors are being sought to work the premiere party on Dec. 11 for NATM:SOTT! There are ten slots to fill, so get ready! All the relevant contact information is at this link, for those who want to go out and be at the premiere and get paid! That's it, folks, you get paid to be at the Secret of the Tomb premiere. A golden opportunity indeed! Best of luck!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Night #342 - Okay so there's this app...

Literally, there's a Secret of the Tomb app, which gives you access to exclusive content (as I have no smartphone, is anyone willing to be my correspondent?) and there's this feature called "hieroglyphs", the first of nine having just been released.

More here.

And I assume this is the hieroglyph in question? (I was expecting actual ancient Egyptian symbols.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Night #341 - Seven New Posters

Which just ooze pun.


Night at the Museum 3 (1)

Night at the Museum 3 (2)

Night at the Museum 3 (3)

Night at the Museum 3 (4)

Night at the Museum 3 (5)

Night at the Museum 3 (6)

Night at the Museum 3 (7)

(I was honestly expecting the last one to say "The Missing Link", but this didn't disappoint either, and it fit with the theme, too!)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Night #339 - More Character Posters!!!

OK so I found a link to an entire collection of character posters for SOTT (barring tumblr).

Check it here:

And it looks to me like Dr. McPhee's rockin' a little swagger. ;)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Night #338 - So I found these...

So I found these just today:

From This Website...

...and I can't help but wonder if Tilly the Night Guard (that actually is her name) and Dr. McPhee know each other in canon. Like literally, honest to God know each other: friends, related, whatever. Look at the photos, look at how they interact. I ain't tryin' to pull an Ancient Aliens here, but maybe, just maybe, they're related.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Night #324

So there's this tumblr post that is dedicated to the new stills that have just come out for Secret of the Tomb. Lots of Dan Stevens, as well as climbing through what I first thought was a vent shaft but on further thought could possibly be a drainage in the floor. Looks like they're scrutinizing for sizes and seeing if everyone will fit. Wonder what they're escaping? Wonder if they're running toward something? Something that will save the magic?

Two months till we get answers! (Or less, depending on what people decide to release and when.)