
Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Synopsis of Speculation

This is, as promised, my lengthy speculation as to what the plot will entail. I have parts of this speckled throughout the blog, but I feel the need to gather them all here in one place, along with new bits which have come to light with some of the latest news on casting and the title.

The tablet is on the move to the British Museum, possibly as part of an exhibit on Ahkmenrah's father (possibly Ben Kingsley, his younger version has been cast and listed, see the post three nights ago) who has recently been unearthed. Please note that I'm not quite sure whether or not to trust this guy, as I have a) a headcanon where he's a shitbag and b) some reason to believe that blatantly broadcasting Lancelot as the movie's bad guy is a ploy by the creators to throw us off track (to which I say "Well done"). Anyway, Larry has to go with it to make sure nothing untoward happens/comes to light, which leads to questions that Dr. McPhee knows what's up when the sun goes down, but that's something I can't answer. So he travels to London with the tablet (and possibly Ahkmenrah, as well), and the British Museum happens to come to life during the gala celebrating the unearthing of Ahkmenrah's father (as yet unnamed, so you'll have to live with it).

He runs into a security guard played by Rebel Wilson, who, being night watch, most likely learns the secret. There are several important gala guests who must be protected from harm, in the most obvious form of Lancelot (God knows what he wants) and possibly Robert Fredericks, as well (son of Cecil, who is reprising his role along with his two cohorts, possibly paying his dear son a visit in London?). Jury's out on Fredericks Jr, but it's recommended to keep an eye on him. Meanwhile, Ahkmenrah's father awakes and has a few things to say about the tomb, the tablet, and maybe the Gate from BOTS, as well. This is where the flashback kicks in, which is probably why we needed Young Ahkmenrah's Father and all those Egyptian-esque extras during filming. If he's worth a damn, Ahkmenrah's father will ask about the well-being of his son first, before getting into any details. If he's not, then this is the proof in the pudding, or Spotted Dick, as the case may be. (Pro-Tip: Spotted Dick is, in fact, a pudding.)

And speaking of Spotted Dick, these people, these writers and this director and his partner Ben Stiller, are missing a huge opportunity if they don't include a Spotted Dick joke. Even the name of it sounds funny, especially to a primarily American audience.

In any event, mayhem ensues because Lancelot is causing trouble (ostensibly); a few others might be behind the scenes; if I know the old guards, they'll want their tablet/revenge on Larry for defeating them; and Larry and Wilson's character will be at their wits' end trying to contain the chaos lest the Masquerade break. However, as this is all taking place during a huge black-tie event (or whatever the classification is in the UK), then there is always the chance that the Masquerade will break anyway, or this will be the movie to decide that "It's time"/"The world is ready"/some other excuse/reason which I have reason to suspect is due to the judgement of the Egyptian characters. After all, they know the tablet best, even if they are a bit green in the ways of the modern world (if the shot of Ahkmenrah dashing through the streets of New York with a look of panic/fear/anxiety on his face is anything to go by). Which could go badly or it could go quite well. Given this is a family film, it will probably be on the more idealistic side, showing the populace as a whole as generally accepting of the notion of a magical item bringing exhibits to life. But would we have a NATM 4 without the possibility of the Museum of Natural History at New York being swarmed with reporters, Giorgio Tsoukalos, G.T.'s hair, more reporters, conspiracy mongers, the gov't, and damn near everyone else in life who wants a piece of this? Or maybe that's touched on in the epilogue.

In any event, that's my entire sleep-deprived (It's ten thirty at night and I'm running on empty) speculation into the plot of NATM 3 all in one place for me to reference later, at my convenience and necessity, should this subject ever come up again.

And for some reason I haven't gotten used to the SOTT acronym yet, but give it time.

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