
Monday, May 26, 2014

Cast Listings

So I've been perusing the SOTT cast listings from IMDB, something I haven't done in quite a while, and I happened upon this:

Michael Patrick Denis...
Young Ahkmenrah's Father

Yes. Young Ahkmenrah's Father. Young Ahkmenrah's Father.

This is Secret of the Tomb. There's a guy playing a pharaoh (an old guy, so is he present Ahkmenrah's father? But I'll get there later). The three old guys are back. We're going back to the country where Ahkmenrah learned English. There are bad guys from English myth and possibly ancient Egypt and the present, real world (I'm still suspicious of Kingsley's character and Robert Fredericks). And now these people are telling me we're going to get flashbacks of Ahkmenrah's past? Is that what this is suggesting?

Okay, I have a lot to process, so let's go in order.

I've talked previously on this blog about whatever possibilities there are for the plot of SOTT, many times, and I've come to several conclusions over the years: Lancelot is a red herring bad guy; The new Egyptian characters, Shepseheret and Ben Kingsley's character, are deeply involved with the history of the tablet; We'll actually get some back story into this entire thing. And I still stand by all of these theories, the back story one more so now, considering we have a guy listed as Young Ahkmenrah's Father.

And just take a minute to let that sink in. I recall having written at some point that there's a chance that people will be leaping through Egyptian wall paintings and ending up back in time, and from the sounds of things, if that happens, then it's to the time of Ahkmenrah's father. Is there a kid Ahkmenrah? This certainly explains the need for all the Egyptian extras during filming. There are apparently Assyrians involved, so I take it this is either a time of conflict during which Ahkmenrah's father is killed or some sort of peace negotiation (admittedly my first thought, considering the poor kid involved in all this royal madness). Where the hell will Kahmunrah be? He came off as a central figure in all of the royal intrigue surrounding his family, if not the instigator of nearly all of it. Is that a surprise for us? Why are we not getting the full story? Why are these people doing this to us?

*deep breath*

Back to the present, further perusals of the listings of characters leads me to conclude that there is some kind of gala or other important event in or around the British Museum, and the magic has to be kept under wraps until the conflict is resolved. It occurs to me that this could be an official breaking of the masquerade, which may be what Ahkmenrah's father attempted thousands of years before, to potentially disastrous results. Will history repeat itself? Anyway, it could be a complete accident, if it ever happens, or it could be on purpose in order to stop Lancelot and/or the real bad guys of the entire movie. I still can't buy that Lancelot is really the big bad for this flick. He's too vain for that. There's absolutely no way, unless he's the one who wants to break the masquerade so he can take glory in people knowing who he is (with the potentially unintentional side effect of getting repeatedly slapped by women). That's the only way I can see it happening, and I have a very hard time buying that as a NATM movie plot. I therefore feel/suspect very strongly that Lancelot is a red herring bad guy.

That just leaves the question of the result of all the inevitable ensuing havoc. And the question of how the tablet gets to London in the first place, though this is relatively easy: very likely it's a result of a traveling exhibition/loan to the British Museum. Which is to say, the tablet and possibly Ahkmenrah are on their way to London, possibly for the gala.

And I have one final thought: we have Sir Ben Kingsley listed as Egyptian Pharaoh, and we have the aforementioned Young Ahkmenrah's Father. Are these two characters one and the same? Something to ponder.

Please refer to this for further information, and post your speculations/mind bombs/fangirlish squees in the comments below.

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