
Thursday, May 29, 2014

News Fail

And by this I mean, the guy who wrote this article is an idiot. The gist of this Bleeding Cool sound byte is basically speculation on the idea of any famous tombs in Britain whose secrets will be revealed. This fails to take into consideration the following facts: there are numerous new Egyptian characters, several named and any number of extras; the Egyptians were quite famous for building tombs; and this is a film series which revolves around an ancient Egyptian tablet bringing everything to life. And this author is convinced that it's a British tomb which will be explored. (I gotta give the guy a little credit, though; he makes the connection between Lancelot and the non-existent/impossible-to-find/possibly-fictional tomb of King Arthur. However, with the heavy focus on Egyptian characters in the casting calls there has to be more to it than that. Maybe Lancelot wants something Egyptian (say, the tablet) for some nefarious purpose. I'll weave together a detailed plot speculation in the near future.)

And then there's this 411mania article, which speculates, of all places, Cairo (correct location, but...), which completely disregards the fact that this entire film is set in London, at a gala (possibly for the latest Egyptian finds, but I'll get to that in the aforementioned lengthy and detailed speculation post). So far as I can tell, there's absolutely no plans to visit Cairo in this movie. Facts, people. Learn them. Get them straight.

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