I just realized the countdown and Tonight are exactly a hundred apart, number-wise. Wonder what that means? Woooooo, creepy magic hoodoo stuff.
Actually, tonight is kind of interesting, because it's the night where I'm starting to truly see the decline of activity in the fandom as a whole, the "settling down" if you will, in the post-trailer universe. I still receive as-it-happens Google alerts with the hope of coming up with something to talk to you guys about, but it's drifting back to same-stuff-different-day. It is coming out and being clear that this is the final installment that we're expecting this Christmas season, which is exceedingly depressing (possibly due to
Mindy McCready's "Maybe He'll Notice Her Now"), and kind of worries me some. This is the end of the series, after all, so is it going to be good, is it going to be happy and hopeful? Is it going to be sad and depressing and forever ruin the entire franchise? (This is similar to the effect Twelfth Grade Kills has on the Vladimir Tod fandom: if you know what happens in TGK, then everything else becomes exceedingly different when you go back through, and a lot of the time it's darker.) The thing is, there is a lot to saddle here, and if it can't be done, or at least can't be done effectively, then the fandom could consider itself destroyed. If it's intentionally depressing, or the creators' intentions don't jive with what the fandom wants to see happen, then the hate mail could start flying the second the end credits roll (this goes for Twilight, as well; many Twihards prefer to think that Breaking Dawn never happened and the story ended with Eclipse). This is sad and challenging for us all. It may not feel that way in the midst of all the anticipation, but I encourage you to sit down and think about it. Think about what it means that Night at the Museum is coming to an end. Think about what could happen if this installment screws with anyone's ideas, anyone at all anywhere, ever. There is too much riding on this one movie: what if the ending's not right? What if we don't get the mood just right? This is the last memory we will have of this franchise possibly ever. What if it's not a good one? What if it's sad and depressing and intentionally so? (I'm sure Levy and Co are insulated from the fall-out but the internet would be positively alive.) There are consequences, especially to something this truly momentous, and personally, what if Secret of the Tomb doesn't live up to expectations. I'm scared for what could happen to the fandom as a result. But maybe that's just me as the unofficial fandom reporter over here at LoveNATM.
Dear God, I hope they do this right.
Countdown: 137 Days to NATM 3.