
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Night #110 - Let's Play Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian - Part 4

"Napoleon and a Monkey" Vaya con Dios.

So the quest for the ingots begin, it looks like. Those things can, if this is canon, be pressed, busted out of place, rotated, and God knows what else. How did this thing even survive thousands of years? Or even transit to New York from Cambridge? It has next to zero structural integrity. Anyway, here goes.

Amelia sounds like one of those computer voices, or possibly a femme fatale from a thirties movie. Seriously. Where's Amy Adams for this? We need her spunk now more than ever.

Yay, theft. Octavius, Octavius, Octavius. And, "Have at you, snack food!" Him in the vending machine is pretty great. "I shall hear the lamentations of your cookies, and the cries of your salty chips!" "My blade thirsts for the sweet frozen milk of my adversary!"

All in all, this part is actually mildly entertaining, and gets really entertaining once you get to the mini-game of Octavius in the vending machine. It's a nice break from the physical torture of hearing the characters in part three and having to put up with that nonsense. I've decided, then, that I'm square with this game so long as I don't have to sit there and listen to my beloved characters spout voices which are not their own. It's as if they're possessed by demons or something.

Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": On to Part 5, which is pretty pressing, actually, because of the weird cut-off.

Countdown: 263 Days to NATM 3.

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