
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Night #112 - Let's Play Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian - Part 6

"Fixing What's Baroque" - If it ain't Baroque don't fix it. :)

The music for this part sounds an awful lot like the Godfather theme music, but maybe that's just me.

"In the morning, some maintenance person is gonna be thrilled."

The cherubs laughing like maniacs is terrifying. Evidently they're Weeping Angels.

"Those things hurt, but, uh, in a good way!" "That's awkward, but whatever you're into, Larry."

"Amelia..." "Are you falling for me, Mr. Daley?" Well, considering he's falling literally into her arms after taking hits from cherub arrows....yeah. (This is also the part where the narrator has discovered that this follows the plot of...not the movie she was thinking of (same franchise, however)).

"Call me old-fashioned, but I like my art to look like something."

That Thinker literally looks like a pile of shit. It's that godawful.

Overall, still relatively entertaining, especially when you get to the part where the painting boxer punches out one of the Cossacks. The narrator does have an interesting question, however: "I wonder how many kids playing this game are gonna know what a Cossack is." I've kind of come to the conclusion at this point that so long as the game remains game-like and there's not a lot of character-character interaction and plot exposition, I'm cool with it. When we get to shitty renditions of beloved characters and the Swiss-cheese-esque plot, though, I'll have issues. Just as a warning as we head into the last five parts of Let's Play Night at the Museum 2.

Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": Part 7: "Ivan the Feeling Pretty Good". Dear God, what happens to him here? More character rape, that this game seems extremely fond of doing for some reason? Tune in to find out.

Countdown: 261 Days to NATM 3.

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