
Monday, March 31, 2014

Night #107 - Let's Play Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian - Part 1

Now let's be clear before I jump right in: I'm by no means a video game nerd, so as I go through this next series of videos, I won't be looking for video game "quality". I don't even know how to define such a term. What I will be looking for is adherence to and expansion upon the plot line of the movie upon which this game was based. I don't own the videos or the video game in question, I had nothing to do with putting any of this together. I'm just doing a spur-of-the-moment series I hope will be fruitful in supplying interesting bits of trivia to nourish and help develop our headcanons and amuse our friends.

That having been said, let's jump into "Let's Play Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian"!

So apparently the woman narrating hasn't seen BOTS at all and is grading on a completely different scale than I am (apparently comparing to something called G4). Here it's made clear that Larry doesn't know the renovation is happening in the middle of an interview, rather than implied when he turns up at the museum like in the movie, and in this case he races off to see what all the hubbub is about. Slightly different opening but keeps the concept of the original. Alright, I'll bite.

"Unlike the massive sandstone tombs raised by the Egyptians, the Central American pyramids like this Aztec example used a stepped construction with a temple or altar on top. The Aztec people dominated central Mexico in the 14th through 16th centuries before being defeated by Spanish invaders." - Just one of the many audio tour sound bytes from this part of the game, but I wrote it down because EGYPT! The narrator, as an aside, spends a lot of this part going around collecting random things and unlocking audio tour sound bytes before actually getting the plot rolling. I can respect that, especially since she claims to be a huge nerd for everything in the Natural History Museum.

This part also gives us the detail that apparently Larry was up to "juvenile antics" (no shock) and has yet to actually clean out his locker (that's actually a quest in this movie, the first one; this actually sounds kind of fun, or it would if I had a gaming system and the money).

That is the most shittily-rendered Rexy I have ever seen in my entire life. And I thought Ben Stiller looked bad in this game.

Who voices Jed and Octavius for this? They sound so much better in the movies. They really do. (According to the IMDb on the subject, that's Dustin Leighton and Dave Wittenberg, respectively. I get that they try to sound like the real guys, but seriously. It's just terrible.)

Jed wishes for Larry to "Vaya con Dios," which means "Go with God". Apparently Rexy's feisty.

Riding Rexy bareback must be the single most uncomfortable thing in existence, especially if you have two fruits and veg.

"Hooray property damage." LOL straight up. Apparently our narrator is having fun riding Rexy and causing trouble.

So that was part one of this madness. Not a lot happening: we get the sequence of Larry arriving at the museum and dealing with the exhibits (namely Jed and Octavius, and Rexy), but other than that, not a whole hell of a lot. But Part Two is titled "Flashback", and the still YouTube is displaying for that shows Ahkmenrah and magic stuff going down. I thought it was Kahmunrah at first, full disclosure, but either one of the Brothers Egypt is fine with me.

Next on "For the Love of Night at the Museum": The promise of the Brothers Egypt entering into this game at last. We'll see how they deliver, and here's hoping Ahkmenrah has a bigger part in the game than he does in the movie. Voiced by Crispin Freeman, so no high hopes for aural or visual resemblance to Rami Malek, but we'll see what goes.

Countdown: 266 Days to NATM 3

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